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3 Reasons to Share Your Car

October 16, 2023
What is resource sharing and why is it important? Our Earth has finite resources. And yet we act as if it doesn’t, constantly producing and…

How evee Became Carbon Neutral

September 20, 2023
evee’s mission is to accelerate electric vehicle adoption, powered by renewables, to support a cleaner future for all. And while the primary focus is to…

Spring Holidays Are Here! Ready for an Adventure?

September 18, 2023
Get ready for a spring family road trip like no other. No matter which state you choose, we're taking you on an electrifying journey across…

evee Partners With EV Stealth Towing

August 18, 2023
evee and EV Stealth are thrilled to announce a collaboration that will revolutionise the way we explore the world with electric vehicles. evee (Australia's premier…
ChargingElectric VehiclesRenting

The evee intro guide to charging electric cars in Australia

August 9, 2023
To those new to electric vehicles, one of the biggest, and most obvious differences between traditional petrol or diesel-powered cars and electric cars (or EV's)…
Electric VehiclesHosting

Electrifying Australia: A State-by-State Guide to EV Incentives

August 2, 2023
The future is electric, and Australia is charging ahead! If you're considering joining the electric revolution, there's never been a better time. Governments across the…

Explore Popular Travel Destinations in New Zealand

July 31, 2023
Photo by Michael Amadeus / Unsplash   #1 Queenstown Nestled in the Southern Alps on the shores of the mesmerising Lake Wakatipu, this picturesque town…
Electric VehiclesHolidaysTravel

Driving EVs in snowy conditions

June 27, 2023
Can I drive an electric car in snowy conditions? If you are thinking of taking an EV to snowy regions, you are welcome to do…
Electric VehiclesHosting

Meet our hosts! Thuan from VIC

January 26, 2023
Thuan is one of our most active hosts on evee, with 5 electric cars on the platform. He started out with Tesla (and in fact…
Electric VehiclesHosting

Meet our hosts! Pete from TAS

January 24, 2023
Pete is one of evee's newer hosts (having joined the platform in 2022), but that hasn't stopped him from being a key presence in our…
Electric VehiclesHosting

Meet our hosts! Gavin from QLD

January 12, 2023
Gavin is one of our longest-standing hosts on evee, having first listed his Tesla Model 3 in Brisbane back in 2019. With over glowing 100…
Electric VehiclesHosting

Meet our hosts! Pete from WA

January 4, 2023
Today we want to introduce you to one of our WA hosts Pete, a long time EV-enthusiast and one of the first owners to complete…