Founded in 2003, the mission of Tesla is to accelerate the use of sustainable energy around the world – one car at a time. Although any fuel-efficient vehicles are a good investment, Tesla promotes the electric car as being better, faster and more fun to drive than petrol cars. But what is it that makes Tesla so special, and how much does it cost to buy a Tesla in Australia?
What are Tesla sales like?
Tesla is Australia’s largest seller of electric cars in Australia. According to recent figures from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) and CarAdvice, Tesla registrations hit a record number in 2020 for electric cars in Australia.
The FCAI released figures in January 2021 stating that there were just 1,769 electric cars sold in Australia in 2020. However, this figure didn’t include Tesla. Tesla doesn’t actually release those figures, but national registration data by CarAdvice found that Tesla sold 3,430 electric cars in Australia last year. That’s a 16.3% increase compared to those registered in 2019 and with these results, it means that in the past two years, Tesla has sold almost double the number of electric cars compared to other electric vehicle sales.
What is it about Tesla that people love?
It’s easy to see why people love Tesla cars. They are an affordable electric car, a great family car and the range and performance is top of the line. The top selling car is the Model 3, and this is the world’s best-selling all-electric vehicle overall. The Model S is built for speed and endurance, with a top speed of 250 km/hr. It can go from 0 km/hr to 100 km/hr in just 2.5 seconds – outperforming any supercar on the market! The Model X has all wheel drive, with independent traction on both front and rear wheels so it can operate efficiently in any weather conditions.
The standard range models come feature packed and include automatic locking and unlocking, mirror auto-tilt, and parking sensors – just to name a few. Available upgrades include added colour option, various interior configurations, upgraded wheels and full self-driving capabilities.
Tesla Pricing Volatile
Pricing of the Tesla is up and down, depending on the seasons – or so it seems. The company is said to adjust prices according to market demand. April 2020 saw prices rise of the Tesla Model S and Tesla X premium electric SUV, attributed to the falling Australian dollar and an increase in luxury car tax. Then in May last year, Tesla dropped the price and both the Tesla S and Tesla X saw price cuts. This was due to a 6% price reduction of both cars in the US, reflecting on the Australian market. The fact is, a price hike or reduction could hit at any time, so if you’re investing in a Tesla, keep an eye on your local market.
A good investment
There are a few things that make Tesla a good investment. To start with, the running cost is far less than an internal combustion engine car. Although a battery replacement can be costly, in the long run, your petrol costs will be a lot more. A recent test on the Model S battery showed that after seven years of use, it was still working at 98% efficiency. Electric motors are a good return on investment.
Tesla is top quality when it comes to technology – there are no knobs or buttons, everything is right there on the centre console. This gives you full control over everything in your car, at the push of the screen. You can even play games and stream movies! There are also external cameras on the vehicles that allow you to record and detect any threats to your vehicle.
Autopilot is another bonus – advanced driver-assistance systems that include things like adaptive cruise control, self-parking, and lane centering. Basically, this self-driving package, which is an optional extra, is designed to reduce the amount of work you have to do as the driver. Keep in mind the company is always enhancing this.
So, what’s the Tesla pricing?
Tesla prices range between the high AU$60,000s and mid AU$200,000s. The Tesla Model 3 is currently retailing for $66,900, plus on road costs. Tesla Model Y is not yet available in Australia, but currently sells in the US for between US$52,990 to US$60,990. The Australian price isn’t yet known. Tesla Model S sells in Australia for around AU$132,000, while Tesla Model X is around AU$157,000 (excl on roads). There’s also the Tesla Cybertruck, which is yet to make its way to Australia. If, or when, it does, it is expected to sell for around US$39,990 for lower range, while the top line is around US$103,000. Currently, the truck is on pre-order, where a AU$150 deposit is placed to secure your truck.
Want to try a Tesla for a few days? Click here
Keep in mind there might be a delivery fee on top, and these prices are excluding on road costs. Your best bet is to do your research, check the website, and find out what the current going rate is.